Hmm... Are these weird coincidences or chance encounters???

In the last two years,  I have had four "weird coincidences" (my name for them) that I need to share. Life is full of these moments.  I think its funny because more I try to "plan" life, I feel as if I'm not really in control.  It got me thinking tonight of the value of significant unexpected and unpredictable events in my life and the importance of not trying to over plan.

Coincidence # 1

The first coincidence happened when I started graduate school two Septembers ago.  I had moved to a new city and knew very few people.


Not expecting to see anyone I know,  I attended the residence introduction meeting on the first official night.  However, to my surprise an acquaintance of mine who I had met a couple years prior in the city I came from was at this meeting.   We recognized each other immediately and thought it was weird that we were both living in the same residence and attending the same school.You see I met him on the other side of Canada and only knew him on a superficial basis.   I lost touch with him.  He could have gone to school anywhere in the world.  What were the odds that we'd end up at the same school for graduate work let alone the same residence?

I'm really glad we got to reconnect as he is now one of my closest friends.  He's seriously like a brother to me.

Coincidence # 2

Two summers ago,  I came back out West to see my family and to decide where I should work for the summer.   After only being back for a couple days, my sister asked me to come to this breakfast with her where Julie Payette was speaking.  My sister has always wanted to become an astronaut.  I went with her to the breakfast and our table had six other people with us.   Two of which were police officers affiliated with the Community watch program.

One of the police officers asked me what I was doing and I told him.  He suggested that I contact the police as they usually do work in bullying prevention.  That afternoon, I emailed the local police department and asked about possible jobs.

They didn't have any as their work in bullying prevention was just wrapping up for the year.  They suggested that I contact the Rock Solid Foundation (creator of The WITS Program), as they do work in exactly what I was talking about.

Well I contacted them.  They wrote me back that day saying that my email was such a blessing.  They had gotten their approval for a summer student the day before and were just about to put out notice that they needed someone when I responded.

Perfect timing, eh!!

I will write the other two coincidences that happened this year tomorrow.

Have you ever had any "weird coincidences" in your life?  I'd love to hear about them!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!