The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

I'm excited to be back writing on my blog.  I really missed it!  Getting ready to Launch my book Feb. 1st!

Do you ever feel like you get “random” messages from people just at the time you need them?

Ever since I made mention that I was writing and publishing my book, I was suddenly connecting with people and opportunities that would help me on my path. One of those opportunities was an invitation to share about my book through a game of “blog tag” sent to me by a fellow writer and coach. For “blog tag” (also referred to as The Next Big Thing), a bunch of writers answer 10 questions about their latest writing or writing-in-the-works. Then s/he tags five more writers, who repeat the process. It's a way for us to get our stuff out into the world and to find out more about this growing group of other writers — what makes them tick, why they write, what's new in their world and more.

I have included five wonderful writers who inspire me daily. I was tagged by Bruce Elkin who also resides on the West Coast of Canada. Bruce recently wrote a book called: The ABCs of Emotional Mastery: Manage Your Moods, Build Resilience and Create What Matters.Such an important topic. I recommend you check out his work!

On that note, here are my answers to the 10 questions.

Stand Tall & Speak From the Heart (c) Arianna's Random Thoughts
Stand Tall & Speak From the Heart (c) Arianna's Random Thoughts

What is the working title for your book?

“Stand Tall & Speak from the Heart: How to Find Your Way”. It took me a while to come up with this title – initially I wanted it have something to do with perseverance.  However, while reading my book the title came to me and I think it’s perfect!

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The book is based on my personal journey.  A good friend once told me that when you share your story with others, it gives them permission to do the same.  I have kept that lesson with me.  Therefore, through telling others about the obstacles I have overcome in my life, my aim of my book is to encourage others that it’s okay to be vulnerable and speak from your heart.

What genre does your book fall under?

Non-fiction/self-help/motivation/inspiration/autobiography/personal development/psychology

Which actor would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

That is a good question – I actually don’t know right now.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

The book is about finding the courage to be real with others and yourself through standing tall and speaking from the heart.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Self-published on Feb. 1st.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Well I had been writing it in pieces for over two years through my academic work, in journals, and on my blog.  I typed it all up this past summer.  Then a couple months ago, I got the format and everything fell into place quickly after that.

What other books would compare this (work) to within your genre?

Any autobiographies where people share their journeys.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Being vulnerable is scary, especially if you have trust issues like I did. From past experiences, I was nervous that when my friends found out things about me, they would feel uncomfortable, be intimidated, run away, use me for their purposes, or spread rumours.  However, finding people whom I could trust and loved me just the way I was – really impacted my journey.  They gave me the strength to share my story.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?

The book has a bit for everyone – it has beautiful pictures, life lessons, and stories of myself and others written on it’s pages.

The writers I tagged are:

Heather Grace Stewart

Claire Carver-Dias - Check out her blog hop post here :

Amelia Coonrod

Jacqueline Boone

Scott L Vannatter - Check out his blog hop post here

I recommend you check out all their sites as they are incredible writers and people.  They all inspire me to become a better person!

Message for tagged authors: Rules of the Next Big Thing

***Use this format for your post

***Answer the ten questions about your current WIP (work in progress)

***Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.

Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week! Looking forward to posting regularly again!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!