You CAN Make Someone's Dream Come True!

Thanks to Vanessa Hellmann ( for the beautiful B&W photo of Jacqueline Rocking her Curls.
Thanks to Vanessa Hellmann ( for the beautiful B&W photo of Jacqueline Rocking her Curls.

Over a year ago, I had the privilege of profiling Jacqueline Boone. She writes an amazing blog called 6 Months to Live, which is all about living a life you love and embracing life as fully as you can. She has encouraged me to persevere in this journey, and I want to support her in achieving her BIGGEST DREAM yet!

Her deepest passion is to travel and to connect with people on a global scale, and she has an opportunity to travel the world for the next 6 months and to have enough money at the end of the trip to create her start-up, which will transform the way people connect and achieve their dreams!

She needs our help, so I invite you to help make her BIGGEST DREAM become a reality by voting for her #mybbb travel contest entry and sharing in your networks!

The top 5 entries that receive the most votes and social shares automatically makes the finals in London next month, so share, tweet, pin, +1, and stumble (all votes from different accounts count) to support an amazing, inspirational woman achieve her dream!

Thanks everyone! I love helping people make their dreams come true.

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!