Presence is the Best Present

Happy Thanksgiving to all those Canadians celebrating this special holiday weekend!  It’s a great time to spend with family and friends, when we can be thankful for the blessings of relationships! Presence is the Best Present!

Thankful for?

Like many Canadians, turkey dinner is a special tradition in my family.  During dinner, we go around the table and say what we are thankful for.  This Thanksgiving as I looked around the table, I thought how special these gatherings are. People put their time and effort into being present and into providing an over-abundance of nourishment for our bodies, minds, and souls. Each year the makeup of attendees changes, yet the dinners are all special.

This Thanksgiving, my family had three friends join us. Two are in the Navy; one was deployed this time last year and the other was supposed to have been deployed right now but plans changed. Our third visitor is a good friend of one of my sisters; she had travelled far to spend time with us. These friends reminded me what I am thankful for – the presence of friends and loved ones in my life.  These relationships are like gold. As I always say, “Presence is the best Present.”

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Thank you, friends and loved ones, for being present in my life; for loving me unconditionally and remaining steadfast. Instead of holding me back, you continually push me to the light.  You give the time and space to talk deeply and openly about our lives.  You taught me to be patient and how growth takes time. You stuck up for me. You gave me a space to explore and discover. You believed in me when I didn’t see any hope. You forgave me when I made a mistake. You call it out like you see it. You always make me smile. You dig deep and don’t take everything at face value. You don’t judge me. You hold my reflection back at me so I see who I truly am.  You illuminate my path.  You love me for who I am. Thank you!

Thank you for:

  • being there by reading my posts and books
  • speaking from the heart and telling me about your experiences
  • standing tall in your life and your community
  • coffee breaks
  • long talks
  • kind words
  • believing in me and helping me go after my dreams
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  • random acts of kindness
  • hugs
  • being your awesome self
  • taking time out of your busy schedule to show you care
  • the Skype talks, the postcards and gifts from around the world, the photos

I appreciate all of it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have really nourished my soul.

I hope that you are being nourished by friends and family, too!  As well, I hope that you are nourishing them through your presence, as well as presents! Put yourself out there. Be a friend to others, to the world, to yourself!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!