Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! In two days, it will be 2014.

Last year, I ended the year by writing out the 12 important lessons I learned over the year. You can read the post here. This year, instead of twelve, I have only learned one; but it is a very large lesson, as it is essential to all areas of life.


In 2013, I learned how important it is to speak from the heart. The lesson is timely as this year, “Stand Tall & Speak From the Heart: How to Find Your Way” was released which has a similar title to the message that kept coming to light. This year has been focused on growing stronger in relationships with myself and with others. One of the building blocks for healthy relationships is communication. My holiday season has reinforced this theme.

Sometimes speaking from the heart involves telling someone close to you your struggles, feelings, and emotions. At other times, it involves being present and listening as someone speaks from their heart and tells you what is going on with them.  And other times, people will use non-verbal communication to let you know what is on their heart. So, speaking from the heart means being there for others through all of this.

The focus should not be on how you speak from the heart; the point is that you do.

Therefore, my New Year’s resolution is to take action steps every day to foster growth in my relationships through speaking from the heart.

Let’s begin this year by starting it on a great foundation. As Lao Tzu said: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Maybe in this case the single step is the word “Hello.”

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Happy New Year! Wishing you an amazing 2014! We’re off to a great start!

What were the lessons you learned in 2013? What are your goals for 2014? Write them out in general and then brainstorm action steps for your daily life.

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!