Make Your Dreams Come True: Create a Vision Board

“Everything happens for a reason,” right? Well, lately my life has been full of “weird” coincidences that make me believe this statement to be completely true. Sometimes you may not know the reason for something happening a certain way; but I have learned through experience, you will figure out the reason eventually.


Last year, I went with an amazing friend to our local Lululemon store to browse their products, which we both love. While there, I saw vision boards on display which the staff had created. I thought the boards were really interesting, so my friend and I went up and looked at them closely. I have wanted to make a vision board ever since my hairdresser told me about it a few years ago. The boards on display were so beautiful that I was inspired to make a vision board myself, as I was just about to graduate and had so many dreams I wanted to pursue.

One of the staff members enthusiastically came up to us and shared her story regarding how making a vision board has played a vital role in her life. The woman is an artist, so she put a special photo on her vision board that she had wanted to turn into a painting.  After putting this picture on her board, she found the photographer's website and contacted him to get his approval to paint the photo. He said, yes.

A couple of weeks later, she ran into him at her local gym and recognized him from his photo on his website. She didn’t know where she knew him from, but later realized that he was the photographer of the photo she loved. The next time she saw him at the gym, she went up to him and introduced herself. He then asked her to have coffee with him. They have been dating ever since.

Thank you for sharing your story with me, Lululemon artist. Your story inspired me to create a vision board myself, as ”weird coincidences” like yours have happened to me as well. I have had my fair share in the last few years. According to Lululemon, a vision board is supposed to “be a mish-mash of all of the amazing things you see for yourself in the near or distant future.” So that is what I did a year ago: I made my vision board.


The process was really easy; I found photographs and quotes in magazines that inspired me and I cut them out. Then I made a collage of them on a frame. As I have a crafty side, I thought this was a really cool way to display my goals for the next ten years.

I have this board displayed above my desk, and it serves as a beautiful reminder of my goals.  It keeps me focused, even though the goals aren’t specific. 

It has been a bit over a year since I created this board, and it is cool to see that my goals are still the same.  The best and most exciting part is that I have made progress. Happy Dance!

Let me explain my goals to you as I believe it’s so important to share your dreams.  Plus, I am so passionate about the dreams that I can’t stop talking about them.

  • I want my life to be one big adventure. I want to keep learning and sharing that knowledge with others.
  • I want to empower indivduals to go after their dreams, to know that they have a community there to support them, and to persevere despite all the obstacles that will likely arise in their lives.
  • I’d love to have a career that combines education and sport.
  • I need to live near water. It is my source of strength.  I also want to create a beautiful environment where I can encourage and empower others to see the beauty they possess.
  •  I want to learn how to play the guitar, to be a better photographer, to become a surfer, and to write a book.
  • I want to travel more with my friends; as seeing new places and faces makes me happy.
  • I need to remember to never stop smiling or being myself.

That is what a vision board consists of.  I encourage you to make one! They are really fun to make and are quite thought-provoking.

I’m glad I went into Lululemon that day, instead of just walking by like the original plan was.

I can't wait to see how these dreams will manifest throughout my life! Let me know how yours turn out, too!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!