Rise & Shine Interview: Julie Parker of Beautiful You Coaching Academy

I’m excited that Julie Parker is sharing her thoughts with us today about perseverance. I found her by chance while searching for individuals who are doing similar work to me. I really admire her career and accomplishments.  She is positive and a beautiful role model for me, as I am starting my similar career path.  You should check out her site after you finish reading her interview. Thank you, Julie, for taking part! You taught me a lot! Keep on encouraging others to see the beauty they possess inside and out!

Julie Parker is a certified coach and clinical counsellor for women who want to shine with passion, confidence and unshakable self-respect - and take magnificent strides towards beautiful bodies, beautiful businesses and beautiful lives. Through 1:1 sessions, both in person in Melbourne and virtually around the world, Julie’s clients sift through their dreams, set crystalline goals, dissolve limiting beliefs and celebrate their successes as they begin to live their song. At Beautiful You, Julie shares inspiring images and empowering words to help women cherish their bodies and claim their brilliance. She just recently created the Beautiful You Coaching Academy to help mentor life coaches.  So exciting. Find her online at BeautifulYouCoachingAcademy.com, Facebook, and Twitter. Read her interview below.

Image (c) Julie Parker
Image (c) Julie Parker

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Who did you receive it from?

The best thing that someone said to me once (although I’m not sure it was advice!) was ‘You could be doing more.’  I was only 20 at the time but it felt like a lightning bolt to my heart and came from a man who was a leader at a conference I went to for young people.  I greatly respected him for saying it to me and from that day on I really ‘upped my game’ in life and began to think bigger for myself and do more for others too.

How important is mentorship in terms of your success?

I think mentorship is hugely important.  The man who said I could be doing more went on to be my mentor for nearly 10 years and I will always be grateful for the role he has played in my life.  It has inspired me to now be a mentor myself, which I love.

What has been the best moment in your life so far?

It’s tempting for me to say my wedding day which was truly amazing, but I think for me the best moment in my life so far was when I made the decision to be a full-time entrepreneur.  To step into a space where I would work solely for myself as a coach, counsellor and speaker took some very ‘big girl’ courage and I’m so glad I found it.  It was a nerve-rattling but also liberating moment that has served me beautifully ever since.

What tips would you have for living a healthy life?

Apart from the usual drink lots of water, eat foods you love and love you back, and surround yourself with amazing people, the biggest tip I have for living a healthy life is to love yourself.  When we love ourselves deeply I truly believe we develop all the beauty, confidence and health we could ever need.

How do you motivate yourself to persist despite setbacks?

I am a huge believer in the adage of ‘this too will pass.’  I try to remind myself if something is not going well or I’m feeling somewhat downtrodden that it’s only a moment or a day or a set period of time, and that I can and will come back from it.  To motivate myself out of setbacks I always believe in taking massive action.  Even just doing one or two things to take a step forward can make a huge difference; much more so than over thinking things which can make situations feel worse.

What has been your biggest setback? How did you deal with it? What did you learn from it?

I think my biggest set-back was dealing with a broken heart many years ago.  It left me reeling and in a place where I felt very lacking in self-esteem and self-care.  I dealt with it by slowly moving through the painful feelings which involved seeing a counsellor and allowing my beautiful circle of friends to love and support me.  I learnt so much from what was a painful experience – mostly that I am worthy of an equal and full love which I now have.  I also feel the experience has made me a more empathetic and real counsellor as I genuinely do know what it is like to feel depressed, anxious and worried about who you are and even what the meaning of life is all about.

How do you deal with critics?

Honestly?  I pay them no attention.  If someone says something that I feel is constructive in its criticism and I can learn from it I gratefully receive that, but outright negativity I have no time for.  I allow them the right to have their opinion but value my own as being of more importance to me and my life.  I wish to always be my greatest judge, not someone else.

How important is social support in overcoming obstacles?

I think it’s hugely important.  When I was recovering from that relationship breakup, I genuinely do not know how I would have made it through if it was not for the love and care of my best girls and also one very special male friend.  They were my anchors when I felt adrift.

What advice would you give others about goal setting?

Write them down.  Get them out.   Speak them out loud.  I truly believe that when made tangible through words on paper or pictures on a vision board, goals come to life.  Much better out and proud than floating about in your head!

What life lesson have you learned that you would like to pass along  to others?

Be yourself.  Always.  You are more than enough.

Thank you Julie for sharing your thoughts with us! I'm so glad I connected with you, as you have really inspired me.  Keep up the amazing work you are doing!

Check out Julie's amazing TedTalk here:

[vimeo 56724420 w=400 h=300]

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See you at the beach!