Posts tagged book
Dear Backstreet Boys, Thank You For Being My Role Models!

I believe role models are individuals who have the courage to be real, to be vulnerable, to be themselves, and to share their journeys. For the past twenty years, the Backstreet Boys have been my role models. As you may know from reading Arianna’s Random Thoughts, I am a huge Backstreet Boys fan.  They provided encouragement and love through the highs and lows of my life.  For me and many other fans out there, they are “Larger than Life.” (Backstreet Boys fans will get this reference.)

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Reflections From Maui

Aloha! I’m back. Hope you all had a great couple of weeks. I had a refreshing vacation in Maui.

If you want to get inspired, you should visit the Hawaiian Islands. They have changed my life; they may change yours. We all have places that empower us. The Hawaiian Islands do this for me.  Maui has a special place in my heart; it is where I originally came up with the idea for my blog. So, I thought I should use my holiday as a chance to reflect on my blog, past and present.

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The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

Do you ever feel like you get “random” messages from people just at the time you need them?

Ever since I made mention that I was writing and publishing my book, I was suddenly connecting with people and opportunities that would help me on my path. One of those opportunities was an invitation to share about my book through a game of “blog tag” sent to me by a fellow writer and coach. For “blog tag” (also referred to as The Next Big Thing), a bunch of writers answer 10 questions about their latest writing or writing-in-the-works. Then s/he tags five more writers, who repeat the process. It's a way for us to get our stuff out into the world and to find out more about this growing group of other writers — what makes them tick, why they write, what's new in their world and more.

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