Arianna Merritt

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Thought of the Day: Own Your Power!

Daily Reminder: You should own your power and speak up!

I know sometimes you can have frustrations with relationships, but sometimes you can have issues with organizations as well.  I know I’m not alone in this as this is not the first time this has happened to me.

I had a concern with an organization and was told to call a customer care representative to voice my concern.  These days, it seems if you want to speak to someone you have to call them up or email them.

So, today I gathered up the strength and courage and called a representative. They can be hard to deal with especially when you have a complaint or an issue need resolving.  The individual on the other end was not emphathetic to me. They told me basically that my issue was mine alone and not theirs.  The called ended quickly.  The issue was done with.

I got off the phone, frustrated, hurt, silenced, and less empowered.  I guess it was my fault.  They did nothing wrong.

I was their customer and them the organization.  They held all the power in the relationship. (** Not all organizations are like this, I just felt this way after getting off the phone).

This is also an organization that values amazing customer service.

After getting off the phone, I shared my story with a family member and they validated my side. They suggested that I go visit the organizations office in my area.

I was a bit skeptical at first;  how are these employees going to help me? I’m going to get the same response as from the employee on the phone.

I did anyway. I would regretted it if I didn’t try again.

Some people never do this.  You should.  Let me tell you why.

The response was completely different. The employee totally understood my perspective and realized that their organization was at fault, not me.

The employee even got on the phone, along with her manager, and called the head office on my behalf. The organization was going to resolve my issue! In many organizations, issues like this are dealt with all the time in a positive and helpful manner .

I came out of the office totally different than when I went in.  I felt listened to, valued, and I want to work with these individuals again.

The employees in this office offered me an important piece of advice: YOUR VOICE MATTERS! If I wasn’t pleased with the service or product, you should ESCALATE THE ISSUE.

Therefore, owning your power may be hard, but you must do it! Don’t give anyone your power. You are the owner of your own life.

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!