Arianna Merritt

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Strengthening your Core: Lessons in Goal Setting

I am a strong believer that goals should be written down.  It is easy to set a goal (i.e., have a mental plan), but I think it is more effective to have the goals some place where you can refer back to them in detail.  I find if I have my goals written down somewhere, they provide me with a greater sense of accountability. Therefore, since spring is here and bathing suit season is just around the corner, I thought I would share a plan for getting back in shape.  Since many think their stomach is their problem area, I thought I would focus on strengthening our cores.  Check out the detailed plan below.  You can use this template for detailing any goal you wish to achieve.

Photo Credit: Arianna's Random Thoughts

Desire:To develop a stronger core (i.e., flatter and more toned stomach area).  A strong core is important in all areas of exercise, and in becoming a better athlete.

Belief:  I am mentally and physically strong enough to do this.  I know I can, if I have the right attitude and put in the effort.

Write in Detail: Many think a flat and toned stomach is the representation of being fit. I am not working towards this due to the resulting appearance. Rather, I am doing this because a strong core equals a strong body.  Starting today, I want to get my stomach muscles stronger so that I can excel in my sport.  I will accomplish this by: healthy eating, daily exercise, weight-training, gaining the support of others, and having the right attitude.

List the Benefits:

  • Stronger Body
  • Less body fat around stomach = lower risk of certain diseases
  • Overall health improves
  • Better Body Satisfaction

Establish Where You Are Now:  I am in a good place with my stomach right now, but there is always room for improvement.  My abdominal area is not perfectly toned, and I can get a bit insecure about wearing a bikini.

Set a Deadline: I will give myself three months (i.e., June 27, 2012), but I want to keep up the healthy behaviours afterwards.

List the Obstacles:I am sure I will try to make the following excuses when it comes to exercising. However, I have been encouraged by the following video to stop such excuses.  I am going to persist despite setbacks!

Determine Needs to Learn:I have to be reminded that healthy living is a “way of life” mind set.   It is not a quick fix and takes a lot of hard work. There will be setbacks and days I don’t feel like exercising, but I will persist.  Achieving my goal of strengthening my core will be about balance in life, which includes the balance of moving in some way (fitness) and eating properly.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has to be seen as having the same level of importance as eating/breathing/sleeping.  It also doesn’t have to be done every day; and it’s okay if I miss a day, just as long as the behaviour is consistent in the long run (i.e., my life).

Identify People to Assist You:Friends, Family, Gym Staff, and Coaches.

Develop a Plan: Along with regular exercise (four/five times a week of cardio, weights, and yoga), I will compliment that with healthy eating. I plan to limit the amount of sugar I consume.  I have a calendar written down on my wall.

Along with writing the goal down in detail, it is equally important to


This is my plan for the next three months. If you would like to do it yourself and work together with me, let me know.  It would be great to get a group of us to provide advice, commiseration,  inspiration, and support.

Any suggestions/advice? What health/fitness goals are you working toward?

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!