Arianna Merritt

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Happy Monday Everyone!

Here are some inspiring words to start your week! My youngest sister got me this poster as a birthday present and I absolutely love it! I am so thankful for this beautiful present that I have it hanging in a position to see it while I am writing.

This poster's words help. Proof: I finished my very rough draft for my NaNoWriMo book. Wohoo!! 50,000+ words in a month = DONE.  I got my badge for finishing too ( see it in the sidebar).

It feels great to get my thoughts on paper. Now, the challenge begins to transform  the rough draft into a book. My aim is to turn it into an e-book to share with you all.

What life lessons would you add to this poster?Do you have any posters that inspire you? I'd love to see them :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!